WHEEL POWER Christian Cyclists Since 1993

Pedaling & Proclaiming
the good news!

Who we are

Celebrating 31 Years of Ministry

John 15:16 – “You did not choose me, but I’ve chosen and commissioned you to go into the world to bear fruit. And your fruit will last, because whatever you ask of my Father, for my sake, He will give it to you!”


What’s Happening Now

Founder – Judy Bowman

Click to view video!


32 Years of Ministry Since 1993

God has blessed us, and used us throughout the United States, and around the world, all these years.  We have faithfully been riding and reaching the lost for Jesus and we want to invite you to join us this year on our newest journey.  We are planning on reconnecting with churches, team members and people who have been part of our ministry to encourage them and also to ride and witness in their hometowns.  More details and a listing of the towns will be posted soon. Contact Judy if you have any questions.

Bicycling! Witnessing! Fellowship! Adventures!

2024 Mission trips

The WHEEL Meaning of Life has just been released, January 28, 2025

May you be blessed as you read my book, The WHEEL Meaning of Life.  I have documented 28 amazing, true life salvation stories  plus a mini autobiography of my life (thus far).  There are 125 pictures, 50 Bible verses, and words of wisdom and truth.  I hope and pray that these testimonies will touch your heart, bring you to a closer relationship with your Creator, and spur you on to GO and TELL others about Jesus!!!

Judy (Romans 1:16)

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Shop with a purpose!

Tracts are an easy way to share the Gospel with people in any circle. We have many varieties and seasonal messages to help with the giving out the Good News Message. Check our Ministry Tools page for our selection of witnessing materials.

Cross Training Workshops

Taught by Dr. Judy

Bowman founder of


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Salvation Story at Wal-Mart

A couple weeks ago I met a lady in our new Wal-Mart who was wearing a t-shirt from Paris, France with a picture of the Eiffel Tower. We were both in the same aisle and my desire was to tell her about Jesus, so I was praying for something to say to start the conversation. When I saw her shirt I knew that was the open door. I made a casual comment and then asked her if she received the shirt as a gift or if she had actually been there. She turned toward me with a big grin and said . . .

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Salvation Story at Virginia Beach

Thanks to the blessing of one of my good friends, I was able to go to Virginia Beach for a few days. While there, the Lord gave me many witnessing opportunities and the joy of leading two men to salvation who had just finished their work day and were getting ready to head home. These men were probably in their late 30s or early 40s, and each one separately came to “see the light.” With broken hearts and a genuine spirit of repentance, they prayed for forgiveness and asked Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. Tears filled their eyes . . .

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