How we Spread
the gospel
Our Purpose is also our Passion and what we DO is ride bicycles throughout the United States, sharing the Truth from the Word of God with everyone we meet. Judy Bowman, the founder, has led over 55 mission trips on bicycles here in the USA, including 15 trips coast to coast, witnessing to thousands of people with the Gospel message of Jesus’ love and salvation. Most of the teams’ witnessing opportunities, “Divine Appointments” as we call them, come about as we ride through towns, visit local establishments, stop at a city or national park or just enjoy lunch at the family diner.
Each night the team is welcomed at a local church that has been pre-arranged. The church family is eager to serve our team and encourage us on our missionary journey and their Sunday school rooms become bedrooms for the WHEEL POWER team members.

Most evenings, Judy and the team share with music and a skit, along with a message and a challenge to church members to be bold and unashamed of the Gospel right where the Lord has planted them (Romans 1:16). Judy has written a book, UNTIL THE ROAD ENDS, as a manual to teach and encourage Christians of all ages how to talk to anyone, anytime, anyplace about Jesus. She gives suggestions on how to start a conversation with a stranger and then be able to share their faith and love for Jesus with folks they meet at work, in their neighborhoods, the grocery stores, bank, Post Office, Wal-Mart and even when they are vacationing.
It is our belief at WHEEL POWER that ALL people are created by God. We take the Great Commission seriously because it was given to us by Jesus, commanding us to GO and tell other who He is. So with boldness we spread the message of hope and salvation in Jesus Christ alone with everyone we meet. (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; John 15:16; Acts 1:8).
other outreach ministries
Our bicycling outreach ministry has provided so many opportunities for witnessing that we were inspired to get involved in 2 additional sports, Pickleball and Disc Golf. Both of these sports are very popular and growing rapidly throughout the United States and around the World and we want to encourage you to get involved too. Players of all ages are enjoying these sports both recreationally and competitively and there are many witnessing opportunities available for you to get involved with us in spreading the Gospel.