Greetings my friends from Lynchburg, Virginia and all God’s blessings to you today!
Do you need some encouragement in sharing your faith? What a blessing it has been to record salvation stories with Pastor Jack Young, from upstate New York. He interviews me and I share stories of people who have come to know the saving grace of Jesus. You can listen to these true stories about people whose lives have been changed forever when they heard the Gospel message. The podcasts are available by going to youtube.com – pastoral thoughts Judy Bowman #1 (and then type in #2, #3, etc. currently up to #10).

Every few weeks we will continue to record more salvation stories. I pray that these amazing true–life stories will encourage and bless you. If you are a believer, I hope you will look for witnessing opportunities to share your salvation story and the message of love and hope from the Word of God. I usually find witnessing opportunities with people I meet in the grocery store, Wal-mart, in the neighborhoods that I ride through – basically there are witnessing opportunities wherever there are people – we just need to pray and look for the open door to share truth and the love of Jesus.

If you need tracts to help with your witnessing, and if you want a copy of my book, Until The Road Ends, which I wrote to help believers to know how to talk with anyone, anytime, anyplace about Jesus, please let me know. I will gladly mail you a copy of each tract I have written, plus my book, for a $35 donation.

The idea for our ministry, to have a Mission Mobile, came to me when I read the history of Dr. Charles Drew who started the BloodMobile after World War II. The purpose was to make it easier for people to give their blood which would help to save the lives of others.
Like myself, I imagine many of you have given blood to help save lives, which is a great thing to do. But no matter how much blood we donate, people will still die at some point in time. However, my vision and purpose, is to travel throughout the United States in our Mission Mobile to share the love of Jesus. People everywhere need to hear that Jesus shed His blood on the cross at Calvary to save people’s lives, not just for today, but for all eternity if they believe and receive God’s free gift of salvation.
We have been praying for months to purchase a twenty-four-foot Class 3 motorhome on a Sprinter Chassis. This wonderful witnessing tool will give us a home and office on wheels as we travel throughout the United States, speaking in churches, leading mission trips in many towns and praising the Lord for the freedom we have to share the truth from the Word of God! We have been blessed with many financial gifts from friends across the country to help us toward this need. Currently we are praying for $27,000 that is still needed to purchase the Mission Mobile. PLEASE pray with us and help as the Lord leads.

Sept. 5 to Oct. 2 – our next mission trip will be in Salem, Missouri to start a Pickleball Ministry. While we are there, I will have the opportunity to share with the church family some encouragement, and stories, about witnessing. We will be cycling and witnessing in that area as well. After two weeks in Salem we will depart and travel to St. Lawrence, South Dakota for a Missions Conference with our friends and supporters at St. Lawerence Community Church. I am looking forward to seeing these great friends and share what the Lord is doing in our 31st year of ministry. We will return home to Lynchburg, Virginia with several stops along the way to visit friends.

USA Mission Trip Overview 2025
Chrissy and I will be traveling across our country during the months of March through July. A complete itinerary, with city and state information, will be available soon and we hope you’ll join us along the way. Our plan is to leave Lynchburg, Virginia in late March and travel west to Los Angeles, California. We will then drive north to Seattle, Washington. The next phase of our mission trip will take us east to Portland, Maine and we will conclude our mission trip by heading south and back home to Lynchburg.
Most days we will be cycling and spreading the “Good News” throughout the communities where we will be staying. In the evenings, and on weekends, I will have the blessing of speaking and sharing my testimony in over 50 churches. We are praying God will protect us in the vehicle and on our bicycles and that we will have the opportunity to witness to hundreds of people we’ll meet along the way.
If you are interested in bicycling with us in the towns where we will be staying, please email me and we’ll keep you informed about the schedule.