Merry Christmas from WHEEL POWER Ministry to you in 2022
Our Newest Tract
What’s In Your Stocking? came out a couple weeks ago and we have been giving them out all around Lynchburg. I have gone up to people at the Mall, grocery store, Home Depot and in the parking lots. I approached them with a card in my hand and said, “I’d like to give you a Christmas card.” Every single person smiled and said, “Thank You!” It has been exciting and fruitful and in 2 weeks I have given out over 100 of these tracts. During half time at the basketball game at Liberty University the other night, I walked around and gave out the tract to the security people, and others, and had some wonderful conversations. One lady read it and when she saw me coming back around the concourse, she came over and gave me a hug. Another man gave me a hand-carved JOY keychain and encouraged me to keep spreading the Truth. It has been so amazing with so many blessings.
As believers, we are Christ’s Ambassadors and should be compelled to share the love of Jesus and the Word of Truth with everyone. And with this simple card, it is so easy because it already has a simple question on it to get the conversation started.
If you would like an e-version of our Stocking tract, please let me know. If you want to order them for next Christmas, we have plenty of time.

All-season Ambassadors
Please join us in spreading the Word of God and being an “All-season Ambassador” for Christ. I am faithfully trying to reach my neighborhood and town the best I can, how about you? Will you reach out to your neighbors and in your town? Let’s be the “All-season Ambassadors” God has called us to be and spread the Word of Truth, at home first, and then throughout our Country, that desperately needs to hear the Truth. (2 Corinthians 5:20.)
For over 30 years, I have been on the road, witnessing and teaching and giving out tracts. But right now, I am so excited about this new tract/witnessing idea that the Lord has given me. In 2023 we will have seasonal and Holiday tracts for: Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother and Father’s Day, 4th of July, Birthday’s and Thanksgiving. The size of the tract is 4”x 6” printed in full color, on heavy cardstock, with a beautiful graphic design on the front and the Gospel message on the back.

In our next newsletter there will be an overview of the exciting, amazing 30 years of ministry, with pictures, salvation stores and blessings. I praise the Lord for the vison He gave me to start this ministry in January 1993, and for His blessings, provisions and faithfulness to meet our needs all these years. We are also so thankful for the thousands of people who have heard, and responded, to the Gospel, for the partner churches who have housed us, fed us and encouraged us along the way. And we praise the Lord for the unbelievable milestone of reaching 3 million accident-free miles that our teams have pedaled in 30 years – riding to reach the lost for Jesus. Hallelujah!!!!

Winter Mission Trip: Florida, January 12 to February 27 – We will be traveling from Lynchburg, VA to Florida with stops in Greenville, SC and Thomson, GA. We will be hosted by churches and friends in each area. In Florida we will have “home base” for 2 weeks in the Clearwater area on the Gulf Coast and 2 weeks in Titusville on the Atlantic Coast. We will be pedaling and witnessing on many trails, through busy and quaint towns including Holiday, Inverness, Hudson, Titusville, Palatka, Melbourne and Cocoa Beach. Please ride with us as we GO & Tell everyone about Jesus.
Spring and Summer Mission Trip: April to June – We will be traveling from Lynchburg to So. Dakota with stops in Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana and Ohio.
Fall Mission Trip: September 5 to October 15 – We will be riding and witnessing in Portland, Maine and surrounding areas, Billerica area in Massachusetts, Rochester and Buffalo, New York and Lancaster, PA area. We will be staying at local churches and campgrounds.