Dear Friends,
Like you, we have been monitoring the coronavirus, COVID-19, in our Country. After much prayer and discussion, the WHEEL POWER ministry has decided to cancel our 2020 USA mission trip for the protection of our team members and our host church families. I was already traveling toward California driving our support vehicle when I had the discussion with my Board members about what we should do. It saddens me, because these last 4 months have been filled with so many blessings as I planned our 76-day USA mission trip, talking with Pastors and friends, scheduling the host churches for us each night, plus getting the team together, and now it has all come to a stand-still.

However, I believe the Lord knows the “why’s” and our disappointment may be His way of blessing us, and using us, in many other ways.
Lord willing, we will be able to go get back on the road in maybe a month to resume this mission trip in Texas. If not we will look at rescheduling the whole trip for this same time frame next year! To God be the Glory – he is in control.
A special thanks to all our host churches, friends and supporters who have extended their open arms to us, prayed for us and continue to support us.

Please let us all join together in prayer for our Country, our families, our friends, our neighbors and our World.
Thank you and God’s blessings. Please stay safe and healthy, we love you and are keeping you in our prayers.
Thank you for your love, prayers, encouragement and support.
Pedaling with a Passionate Purpose,
Judy Bowman
Bicycling Missionary to the USA
Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…”